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Dear all, fellow dancers, somatic practitioners, touch explorers, connection seekers, improvisers and furthermost authentic communicators! Also, to all acoustic musicians!

I’m in the process of creating the AUTHENTICITY CAMP on KIEZ BURN this year. Kiez Burn is a utopian community happening close to Berlin from 19th-23rd of June. Do you want to join this dreamlike adventure and contribute?

AUTHENTICITY CAMP description at the moment:

Let’s enjoy the power of authentic connection and self expression through listening to each other, listening to our bodies, exchange of feelings and needs, touch and movement.

Let’s create a space where authenticity comes first and judgements or expectations have disappeared. Let’s support each other on this path, connecting our bodies & minds, dancing, sensing and furthermost just being in the here and now, as we truly feel and are.

Let’s find ways to discover, express and care for our feelings & needs together, let’s access the wisdom in our bodies and unfold our intuition fuelled by support, courage and our inner truth.

Our AUTHENTICITY CAMP is a co-created creative playground for all curious bodies and souls, for all dancers in darkness and light, for all who embrace the power of communication, dance, movement and touch. Connection to the inside enables genuine connection to the outside – we want to be a safe, enabling space for that.

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I’m looking for passionate and experienced collaborators, dreamers and practitioners ready to give from the core of their hearts, from their roots filled with warmth, curiosity and courage in the field of somatic body work, dance, movement improvisation, touch, authentic communication to co-create together this adventure and journey.

If you are interested and you are an experienced practitioner in one of the fields – write me.

Our camp needs members with practical hand on skills to take care in building and shaping it, as well as persons who want to collaborate on existing and new ideas and add their creativity to make it a vibrant space of self-research, expression, dance, melting, eye gazing and authentic connection.

read: the eleven Kiez Burn principles

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our Kiez’s values at the moment:

-invite cocreation
-foster and spread unconditional sincerity

-lead in authenticity
-lead in compassion

-create connection(s) and bridges
-cultivate and show goodness
-be gentle
-remain curious
-observe without judging
-accept change as the order of life
-hold the space calmly
-access/release energy
-enjoy acting supportive
-allow exploring the unknown
-be self-responsible
-trust the process beyond right & wrong
-listen to yourself and others
-allow intuition & creativity to give form
-establish clear boundaries
-no hierarchy but equality
-live the impulse
-pick a task🙂

first ideas for activities at the AUTHENTICITY CAMP:

creating a flow environment for creativity
eye contact
contact improvisation (dance form)
impro dance of any form
radical honesty
conscious touch
somatic/authentic movement & touch
nonviolent communication games & exercises
researching feelings & needs through all those activities above
experiments with closeness and boundaries
partner games, partner supported research
expressed and actively lived appreciation
expressing vulnerability
the forum
acoustic music
infused drawing
singing / chanting
cleaning up:)

love n hugs,

(my background is: nonviolent communication, some of: contact improvisation, somatic improvisation, somatic body work „Pesso“, inner child work, breath work – more about me)

write me, if you are interested and you are sure, you can spend time and energy on building & shaping our Kiez. We will need extra days to build up and clean up again.

let’s meet up during Burn Night April 6th, Telegram: ‭+49 157 53614987‬

Discord: filipm161

Let’s take off.