Workshop in Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

My very practical NVC crash course is the ideal introduction to the attitude, depth & practice of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). In two exciting weekend days, in a small group in Berlin, you’ll learn the practice of NVC. My course is an intense & active workshop: you will immediately get into practice and learn how you can enhance your communication skills. The seminar is a mix of theory, exercises, NVC philosophy, partner-games and a lot of exchange in the group.

If you work for a company or NGO, this NVC workshop can be also part of your employee experience and self-development program. Improve your collaboration skills and thus improve your company culture overall.

GFK Kurse Workshops NVC Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Berlin

Contents of my NVC-course in Berlin:

  • the appreciative attitude of Nonviolent Communication
  • judging language versus authentic language
  • insight into the extent of your emotional world, censored/unconscious feelings
  • observing reality without judging
  • recognizing true needs behind your feelings
  • empathic listening, appreciative authentic speaking
  • the „four steps of NVC“ applied
  • remaining authentic, calm and connected in conflicts, saying „no“.
  • finding access to clarity and inner peace
  • giving and receiving criticism – saying what you truly need
  • experiencing deep trust and connection in the group
  • dealing with examples from your own life & work
  • meditation, body-focusing, exercises
  • reflection on power structures in our sociaty & in our language
  • games & exercises in teams

The seminar-group will consist of between 8 to 14 people. The workshop takes place in Berlin Kreuzberg / Neukölln.
each day 10am – 6pm or 12am – 8pm with a lunch break. If you have any questions, just call me.

course price per private person: 220 Euro
for low income under 1800 Eur: 180 Euro
In case of payment through your employer: 350 Euro
In case of cancellation/cancellation 14 days or more before the start of the course, 50% of the course fee will be charged.

Book my NVC course here.

We attended the 2-day weekend workshop on Nonviolent Communication (English) and we’re really impressed by the amount of content we covered and how much we learned and practiced in this short amount of time. It was really powerful and transformational! Really appreciated the work Filip put into making it inclusive and organized. It was challenging, liberating and fun. I could have done it all week.

What to expect in my course in Nonviolent Communication:

You want to experience yourself in the group and use NVC to better perceive what you feel and need.

You will experience and apply NVC in the group and have fun in the process. See and try out different aspects of appreciative and authentic communication through NVC.

Learning what your feelings stand for, learning to observe and express them. You learn to accept your feelings and integrate them into your life.

Experience two days of deep honest exchange but also fun and connection in the course group.

You can try out the methods of Nonviolent Communication in exercises with other participants and find your own „NVC-style“.

In the workshop you can look at one of your conflicts effectively with Nonviolent Communication and find peace.

In my NVC course, we will also reflect on social norms, authoritarianism and violence – your input is needed.

You will learn how to apply the „Four Steps of NVC“ in practice – you can try it out and resolve your conflicts more easily after the course.

In the course you will learn to put into words what you are experiencing and what is inside you in an effective and understandable way. This will help you to create clarity in your relationships, but also in your relationship with yourself.

You will experience understanding and support from the community in the NVC course.

For two days, we will actively live  appreciation, recognition and compassion. Experience the unifying power of this attitude.

In the course, we will take a close look at the risks and the potential of dealing with anger. With NVC, you will learn how to better set boundaries and use the power of your anger to shape your life.

You will experience an intensive time in the workshop. It’s a weekend with  special omens: doing something for yourself, experiencing connection, trying out new things.

The NVC course will probably give you lots of positive impulses for your self-development and inner growth.

The course gives you the chance to look at and transform something that is not so good for you.

Everyone is responsible for their own needs – by taking the initiative, you will learn to take your needs into your own hands and communicate them clearly.

We can speak with each compassionately other without the notions of right and wrong.