Courses in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for companies

Nonviolent Communication has become an integral part of a progressive corporate & institutional culture in many modern companies, NGOs & institutions that are interested in the well-being of their employees and their self-development. NVC is becoming an established norm.

Same time communication is one of the main conditions for successful management, especially when companies are growing and new employees come on board or old structures have to change. NVC with its appreciative and authentic communication is the core of your Agile, Scrum or Holocracy organisatorial method. On the one hand, NVC teaches employees and management new skills in dealing calmly and authentically with potential conflicts improving communication skills and therefore work-satisfaction among them. On the other hand, those trained in NVC can also respond much more effectively to processes with partners and customers.

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My NVC-workshops for companies are participative and playful courses with a real fun & teambuilding factor. Participants get to know each other in a new, deeper way and step out of their comfort zone. They grow through new trust in each other and build new bonds that lead to increased stability and open the doors to friendship.

In my Berlin-based NVC-training your employess & the management learn to:

  • create a friendlier and more harmonious atmosphere in the workplace
  • apply the practice of non-violent communication (NVC) in your company
  • achieve your goals more effectively as conflicts are resolved more quickly
  • effectively resolve thick air and ensure clarity in an appreciative manner
  • how do I give feedback without hurting anyone, address and solve problems
  • how can I communicate authentically while remaining professional
  • become more empathetic and compassionate when dealing with people you want to reach
  • learn how to build bridges with conflicting groups/people
  • how do I effectively distance myself and how do I deal with my/others‘ anger or annoyance
  • what do I do if the tone is not right or someone is disrespectful
  • learn to be open about feelings and needs without fear of guilt, shame and punishment
  • how do I ensure more connection in video calls and teams that work separately
  • support your employees in their health and personal development
  • understand and accept the needs of their team – find new strategies

The half-day to 1-2 day courses take place in consultation with you and are suitable from 6 to 25 people. Evening courses are also generally possible. Online courses on zoom on request.

I offer the following NVC packages for the further training of your employees in Berlin:

  • Introductory course in Nonviolent Communication – the 4-step basics, enhance your communication style
  • Teambuilding workshop – building connection & trust, go out as a more united stronger team
  • Leadership according to NVC – making effective decisions fast in the team, build up feedback culture
  • Mediation workshop – building bridges, overcoming differences, understand things better
In addition, I also offer individually tailored leadership coaching with Nonviolent Communication.


If your company, your NGO, your association is socially committed and takes responsibility for our society, wants to change grievances or is committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – but you don’t have the money for a course, please write to me – I will be happy to support you if it is possible for me to do so.

„What we do most of all at work is talk. Our language reveals power structures, contradictions and inequalities. But language can also connect. It can open up spaces and initiate change. One thing is certain: The words we hear and use every day shape the way we think and act. That is why language is an important, if not the most important tool for transforming organizations.“ Neue Narrativ

Filip did not have an easy job giving a GFK course to a room full of engineers who were frankly not used to discussing topics of this nature. He did a fantastic job gaining their confidence, helping them open up and create a group dynamic where everyone felt safe they could contribute to. We came away from this with a lot of personal but also company-based observations and recommendations as well as clear tools and guidelines to help us work together better.


The most important resource in a company is the people and how they feel, how motivated and satisfied they are. Here is a list of possible occasions to increase this well-being & harmony in the team at work through one of my  workshops in Nonviolent Communication / NVC:

Building trust with each other in partner games. Learn how to be real – this strengthens cohesion and authentic communication in the team and makes contact at work more relaxed and deeper.

Create a culture of transparency in which employees, just like the leadership, can speak openly and honestly about their needs instead of pushing them away or remaining silent.

Everyone wants „equality“ and equal rights, but how can you live this? With NVC, you learn to express yourself at eye level and to be in authentic and appreciative contact on an equal level.

Communication is the key to success. Internal communication habits often paralyze processes within the company. How can you bring new momentum into the exchange, creating connection and clarity?

Using the power of recognition and appreciation to foster the atmosphere, create and shape connection at work. Enhance the mood with genuine appreciation.

Get into a deeper exchange with each other and experience each other from a new perspective – laugh, be open and strengthen interpersonal bonds with Nonviolent Communication / NVC.

Over the years, processes may have become entrenched at work that are not in line with your needs. Together, we can look at, understand and change them using NVC.

Sometimes there are ingrained dynamics in teams, unspoken conflicts that cloud the work and the mood. You can look at these together and try to transform them using NVC.

In some companies, management feels isolated from the rest of the employees, or vice versa – there is a lack of connection and trust. Nonviolent Communication can be used to promote connection and cooperation at work.

What patterns from the world outside do we want to change in a company? What should the corporate culture look like? What are our values? How do we achieve these goals? How can we be pioneers?

Learn to clarify conflicts and needs at work effectively using the „Four Steps of Nonviolent Communication“. This relieves the pressure in the team.

Learn how to set boundaries effectively and appreciatively at work with customers and how to complete tasks more quickly and effectively through clarity in your communication.

Openness, transparency and giving space to one’s own needs and emotions improves the bond within the team at work because it creates clarity on what you strife for.

Transparent communication is the basis for new leadership in companies and egalitarian work concepts such as Scrum, Agile, Holocracy, etc. Nonviolent Communication is the foundation of a new corporate culture and a new understanding of leadership.

Learning to say no is just as important as saying yes, because each person in the team is responsible for their boundaries and only if these are respected can the company as a whole function without overloading and wearing itself out in one place.

How can we give space to our anger at work when things don’t go the way we want them to? With NVC, you can learn to resolve conflicts in connection and give feedback in such a way that it is understood as support at eye level.

How can you establish a connection to the team between the different levels and functions and ensure an open exchange? With NVC, you learn to build and use power together in order to shape cooperation and work processes as a  team.

Decide without exercising power, but find effective and satisfactory strategies in contact with the team, taking all needs into account.

Learning to overcome divisions between employees, individual departments or customers with Nonviolent Communication / NVC.

Everyone is responsible for their own needs – through personal initiative, employees take control of needs-oriented processes within the company and pioneer necessary changes for their weilbeing.

What makes me tick under stress? What strategies do I have for dealing with others at work and are they effective? How can I take better care of myself in contact with myself and others? These questions can be clarified in the NVC workshop.

Start speaking about your feelings and what really makes you tick and get an understanding for them instead of always talking about work and tasks.

Hardly anything is said "just so" - almost all messages have THE function of influencing the recipient.